High-End PRO Photo Editing
starting at $100 per image
Roughly 4 hours of work time per image
- advanced blemish removal
- advanced skin retouching using dodge and burning technique (looks like skin just perfected and smoothed)
- facial contouring/asymmetry corrections
- eye and teeth brightening
- color/level corrections
- details sharpening (when needed)
- hair touch-ups/ stray hair removal
- background blurring (when indicated by client)
- body slimming
All editing is done by hand in Adobe Photoshop. We do not use any preset filters or editing shortcuts.
Muscle Creation and Definition Photo Editing Add-On Service
starting at $50 per image
Roughly 1 hour of work time per person per image
Look like you have been working out and eating well for the last year!
Dramatic but realistic-looking results based on your body type.
Muscle definition is created using shadows and highlights on your body.
Mini Headshot Session
30-minute session
Perfect for a LinkedIn profile update, business card pic, bio photo for your company website, or image for a news article
- includes 2 edited images
Photoshoot Session
up to 3-hour session
Perfect for a photo series or editorial spread.
- includes 5 edited images
- color and black & white versions of the 5 edits
Save The Date Engagement Session
up to 4-hour session
Perfect for your save the date and engagement announcement.
- includes 6 edited images
- color and black & white versions of the 6 edits
Fashion Shoot
$3,000 per diem
based on an 8 hour day
- includes editing service of up to 12 images
- color and black & white versions of the edits
Product Photography
by Consultation Only
Any parking/valet fees must be paid by the client on the day of service.